Tuesday, November 20, 2012

And sometimes the bears get in the trash...

This was such a long week full of so many fun activities.  I think last week in my email I mentioned some of the fun service we were going to be doing? I don't know.  Anyway... this is how our week went...

Monday: PDay... emails, laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping (SOOOOOO EXPENSIVE! The cheapest milk is about $6 and goes bad in less than a week...) letter writing...
Tuesday: Helped Shannon pack her deer meat all morning! I was in charge of working the grinder (gross fact: I had blood caked fingers all day) and Sister Ashbrook was in charge of packing up and labeling the meat.  It was really fun and we got to talk a lot about families, life, love, trials and the gospel! We also helped Kris make her year supply of soap! We each got to try different scent combinations and we all voted on which one we liked best.  Mine won! Plumeria, Sweet Orange, and Vanille.  Yummmmmm! It takes about 6 weeks for the soap to really set up, but Kris said she'll send it to us when we're done. 
Wednesday:  Volunteered at the Museum (we scan pictures into archives), washed dishes at the "Old Folks Home", taught a couple lessons, and went to young women's and helped them do family history.  Ended the night with a run-in with two GIANT spiders (about the size of a tea-plate).  It was horrible and we were screaming so loud and laughing so hard.  Don't worry, I killed them both all by myself! I'm a big kid now!
Thursday:  helped the residents at Long Term Care play BINGO! had a zone meeting over the phone, taught lessons, FINALLY got my AK driver's license, visited some people, and smile at strangers. 
Friday:  Woke up at 4:30 to teach early morning seminary (we're teaching until tomorrow I don't know how these kids do it, I'm EXHAUSTED!) went to the church to get in our hour of mormon.org training and found that a bear had gotten into our trash can at the church.  There was trash all over the entire parking lot! Sister Ashbrook and I spent a little over an hour picking up the frozenfood, paper plates (with the centers eaten out of them), sacrament cups and confetti (from YW in excellence) off the frozen ground.  It was hilarious and we just sang and laughed to try and forget how freezing cols our hands were.  At dinner that night we were both laughing so hard about something TJ (a member_ said that we both leaned over and bonked heads (HARD) on accident.  Which then sent all 5 of us into a laughing fit for a good 5 minutes.

Nothing else super exciting happened.  We both spoke in church yesterday which was actually really fun! There are only about 15 people in church who can speak, so we helped to add some variety which was nice.  Other than that, nothing else is really new here on the island.  This is the last week of the transfer and 2 of my best friends from my mission are going home.  I'm sad to see them leave, but excited to have them both start writing me! I love all the people here in Alaska and can't believe how many life-long friends I am making. 

I love you all and hope you have a fabulous week! Stay warm!
Love always,
Sister Hatfield

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