Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Best Week Yet!


This week was incredible!!! It was insane, busy, stressful, and psychotic, but oh so good. :D

First of all, I saw a lot of prayers answered this week.  It's amazing to see how much Heavenly Father is involved in the details of our lives.  I love being able to witness outstanding miracles and the simple tender mercies of the Lord each and every day.  What a blessing it is to be doing His work and His will.  Side note:  there is a running joke in the zone that I get everything I pray for... this week did not help me in trying to disprove that statement.  Haha.

Second, we had TWO baptisms this week! Walter was baptized on Thursday.  It was such a fun day.  He was thrilled to be able to join the church and loved wearing his cute white jumpsuit ;) When his baptism started there were only a few people in attendance.  Sister Gardner and Corey (our ward mission leader) started both feeling pretty doubtful that more people would show up.  I just turned to both of them and said, "Faith".  By the time the closing hymn had finished, the entire room was full.  It was incredible.  Walter was so excited to be baptized and looked overwhelmed with happiness throughout the entire service. On Friday we had TJ's baptism! I didn't think that anyone could be more excited about baptism than Walter, but TJ definately showed me how wrong I was! The kid couldn't have stopped smiling if he tried! TJ asked me to sing at his baptism and I sand, I Stand All Amazed.  As I was singing I looked up at TJ and saw tears in his eyes.  I just about lost it and cried myself! After he was baptized, TJ bore his testimony.  It was full of short, simple, bold and powerful statements, which is exactly what a testimony should be. After he sat down he turned to me and said, "Was that okay? I tried really hard!" with a worried look on his face.  Bless his heart!! I told him he did a wonderful job and assured him that it was perfect.  They were both confirmed at church yesterday and were still grinning ear-to-ear.  Walter said, "Sister Hatfield, I could feel Heavenly Father speaking through President Terry!" I said, "Of course you could! That's what the power of the priesthood can do!" :)

Third, I saw another moose!!

Fourth, yesterday was the first snow of the year! It's gotten really cold these last couple of weeks and everything has died.  I can't wait for the snow to stick so that Alaska can be pretty again!

Fifth, I FINALLY SAW THE NORTHERN LIGHTS!!!  We were driving home from North Pole last night and our friends and District Leader Elder Record and Elder Beirne (who is the recently retired quarterback for Uof A... don't worry, we have forgiven each other for liking different teams) called us and told us the Aurora was out.  We looked up and there it was!!! It was the most beautiful spectacular thing I have ever seen.  President gave our zone permission to drive out together to a nearby town to see them better.  We got all bundled and drove out, but they were gone.  :( It was so sad.  But we did get to see the pipeline.  Haha ( I took a picture just for you, dad!). 

All in all it was a great week.  We are working really hard and have a lot going on this week.  We already have 24 lessons sey up for the week and it's only Monday! This is the last week of the transfer and possibly our last together here in Fairbanks so we are really going to try and make the most of it.  The church is TRUE.  Christ LIVES and families can be together FOREVER.  Never forget that!

Have a wonderful week!

Love Always,
Sister Hatfield

P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRAMMY(TODAY) AND GRAHAM-BO (WEDNESDAY)! I hope you both have a spectacular day. :)

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